South Ural State University (SUSU) (Russian) in Chelyabinsk is an educational institution in Russia. It is among the topten of the Russian universities according to the state rating of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the largest in Russia in terms of the number of undergraduates.
South Ural State University is a university with interesting history and diverse traditions, this is a multidisciplinary educational institution which is famous for its scientific achievements, high educational preparation level, fundamental and academic basis, material and technical facility for the purposes of research activities and educational process.
SUSU is a “SMART university which unites Europe and Asia” – nowadays this is the way the university’s motto sounds. Being located in the heart of the Southern Ural, SUSU became the foundation of positive changes which take place in the region: development of powerful industry, preservation of unique environment, creation of multicultural and multinational environment which favors to new discoveries and development of international collaboration.
Today, students of more than a hundred nationalities from 48 world’s countries are studying at the largest Russian university. The university, in the frameworks of the strategy for entering the world’s educational space, is performing the task of vast cultural interaction and mutual exchange between Eastern and Western nations.