Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University

Address : Address: - Georgia, Batumi, 6010, Ninoshvili/Rustaveli str. 35/32 , Georgia

Short Name

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University for Indian Students

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University was established in the year 1990. Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University is one of the biggest medical university in Georgia teaching MBBS. It is recognized by WHO, NMC, and many more international professional groups. Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University has formed into a huge scale, a well-managed comprehensive university with good MBBS teaching staff. It is one of those universities which is having an advanced system of MBBS education, and it trains students with the help of updated education technology of medical study. The university embraces the high-tech methods of practical medicine that empower students to be focused, competitive and flexible in the world market.

The university is providing the best infrastructure for its MBBS students and the quality facilities like good and spacious hostels, libraries, modern classrooms, etc. Moreover, the university is providing a healthy and friendly environment on the campus for its students. The institute has various other activity centers in the campus like gym, separate sports complex, etc. The University believes in the overall development of every student and thus organizes various personality development programs such as Seminars, Debates, Conferences and Student Exchange programs. Apart from personality development programs, the University organizes various sports and cultural events and also encourages students to partake in these activities.

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University is offering a low-cost MBBS program. The university is preparing doctors for near countries, and far abroad. Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University comprises 7 faculties: Economics and business, humanities, exact science and education, law and social sciences, natural sciences and health care, technologies, tourism. It additionally embraces the 3 Research Institutes of Niko Berdzenishvili Institute, Agrarian and Membrane Technologies Institute, Institute of Phytopathology and Biodiversity. At present, around 6,000 students studying at the vocational, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs.

The facilities and equipment of the Shota Rustaveli State University have been increasing and improving step-by-step, the number of students increasing, teaching programs improving, new specialties introduced, qualified staff prepared. The teaching and research processes include 277 professors, 69 researchers, and 460 visiting professors. The University has close partnerships with the leading higher education institutions in the country and abroad. For international scientific conferences and symposiums held in various fields of science, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University is a preferred host, in addition, academic and scientific staff of the University actively participates in scientific conferences and exchange programs in different countries in the world.

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University is one of the leading higher education institution, which helps students to become a highly competitive specialist, national and universal values ​​is a free person, create a strong educational and research centers and important t place in the national and international educational space. The university implements all three stages of vocational and academic higher education, fundamental and applied research, which aim at sustainable development of our country, social welfare of the population, ecological security and economic empowerment, as well as the establishment of liberal values ​​and democratic principles.
MBBS Program in Batumi Shota Rustavelli State University
Title of theEducationalProgrammeMedical DoctorOne-cycle Higher Educational ProgrammeMedicineQualificationConferredMedical DoctorProgrammeVolume inCredits360 CreditsAim of theEducationalProgrammeThe aim of the educational programme is to prepare a medical doctor oriented onprofessionalism, academism with thorough theoretical knowledge and clinical skills.The programme is partially integrated, includes both trans-disciplinary modules andindividual study courses; is focused on the elaboration of the clinical competences,basic skills; effective management of the medical resources. The student, from thevery first year, gains basic knowledge and is involved in the research, through theproblem-based and case –oriented teaching methods what eliminate thefragmentation of the knowledge and ultimately, the future physician developsindependent clinical thinking.The language of instruction is EnglishLearningOutcomes(general andspecificcompetences)Medical Doctor will have a thorough and systemic knowledge of the field.Will be able to: act in an unforeseen and multidisciplinary environment; makecritical assessment of complex, incomplete and contradictory data, obtaininformation from various sources, use full spectrum of educational andinformational resources, assess own and others attitude to the values and contributeto the establishment of new values. In addition, will have the knowledge of thefundamental, behavioral, social and clinical subjects, major groups of drugs andtheir appointment in accordance with pathological condition and diseases; will beable to consult patients; 

MBBS/ Medical DoctorOne-cycle Higher Educational Programme Medicine
6 Years
24000 USD
  • Eligibility criteria: - Candidate must have passed their 10+2(sr. secondary education) with minimum 50% marks with PCB (physics, chemistry, and biology) from any recognized board. The minimum age should be 17yrs.
  • Admission: - Admission will be on the basis of the marks obtained in the entrance exam (NEET).
  •  NEET Cut off (2023): - For General Category: - 137 marks, For reserved category: - 107 marks.

Remark : Tuition Fees Can be Paid in 2 Installment

Scholarship Opportunities

First-year students who are registering for the unified national examinations, having indicated first option BSU faculty/program, having gained a high score in 4th elective subject is eligible to apply for scholarships in the amount of GEL 100 per month.   

Students continuously scoring 81 / i.e. B grades, are eligible to scholarships beginning of the second semester in the amount of GEL 50 and successful A grade students who score 91 or more points are eligible to scholarships in the amount of GEL 100 per month.  

Honours students who are successful in scientific work, on a competition basis, are eligible to receive nominative scholarships in the amount of GEL 150 per month. 

Socially vulnerable honours students are eligible on a competition basis to Avtandil Baratashvili nominative scholarship   in the amount of GEL 312 per month.

Social benefit programs

Orphan students are exempt from tuition fees.  

Socially disadvantaged with student’s good academic performance are eligible to University tuition co-financing on a competition basis.

 BSU operates University Foundation to support honours students and socially disadvantaged students.


➢ Filled BMU Application Form
➢ 10th Original Marksheet
➢ 12th Original Marksheet
➢ Original Passport with proper scan copy of front and back to be shared over email.
➢ NEET Score Card
➢ Photograph
• Required digital photograph above shoulder in white background. It should show a
close up of your face and the top of your shoulders so that your face takes up
between 70% - 80% of the face. ( Kindly share clear scan copy over email ID provide
by your counsellor)
• Required 6 passport size photographs should be 35mm x 45mm in Width and Height
over matt paper with white background.
➢ Birth Certificate
• In English only
• Required only if student is minor less than 18 years.
➢ Bank Statement of Father or Mother (PLEASE NOTE: Passbook copy is not acceptable)
• 6 months original bank statement with Bank Stamp on it.
• Minimum closing balance not less than Rs. 2.5 Lakhs.
• In case account is opened less than 6 months then letter from bank manager stating
when the account was opened.
➢ If the student has Bank statement of himself or herself it is acceptable
• 6 months original bank statement with Bank Stamp on it.
• Minimum balance not less than Rs. 2.5 Lakhs.
➢ No objection letter/ Sponsorship Affidavit on a Rs. 100 stamp paper (Original).
➢ Minor affidavit on Rs. 10 Stamp Paper from Father and Mother if Student is below 18 years
➢ Student Pan Card Copy (For Dollar exchange & Forex Card).


  • Library: - The university has a library with a large collection of books, periodicals, and journals.
  • Sports: - The institute has both indoor and outdoor sports facilities in the campus like table tennis, basketball, volleyball, swimming etc.
  • Labs: - The institute has a well-equipped lab in the campus with modern equipment and tools.
  • Computer lab: - The institute has a well-equipped computer lab in the campus with the latest computer machines and tools.
  • Gym: - The institute has a gym in the campus with modern machines and tools like dumbbells, treadmill.


The university has private associated hostel. Hostels are well equipped.


In response to the various queries received from Indian students, aspiring formedical studies in Georgia, the following are the few answers provided by theGeorgian authorities, for information of all concerned:

 i) What is the duration of the Undergraduate Medical (MD) Programin Georgia for Indian students? 

 Ans: Following national regulations for programs in medicine and MedicalSector Benchmarks, which is mandatory to be fulfilled in order to get state   accreditation, the duration of undergraduate MD programs in Georgia is 6years.

 ii) What is the duration of Internship/Clinical rotations in themedical course (MD)? 

Ans: Up to 3rd course, the students take pre-clinical subjects, acquireclinical skills in simulation centers. Starting from the 4th course, MDstudents start mandatory clinical rotations. Usually, the 5th and 6thsemesters are almost entirely dedicated to such rotations in clinical setting,amounting to roughly 120 ECTS on the span of the last 4 semesters.

iii) Do medical universities in Georgia provide internships in the samemedical university hospitals and Indian Students (MD students) allowedto do internship in Georgia? 

Ans: Some of the HEIs do have their own university clinics in Georgia, andthose who do not own the clinic/hospital, usually sign the MoUs with severalclinics. Such agreements shall indicate the medical directions to be served,number of students to enroll on traineeship, duration of internship, etc. Allin all, HEIs provide internships/rotations either at their own or affiliatedclinics. Indian students and other foreign nationals have the same right asGeorgians to take these clinical courses following and fulfilling the generalcurriculum of the program. If they wish to undergo extra clinicalactivities/internships at various clinics, this can be facilitated in agreementwith the HEI and clinics themselves and it always helps if the students knowthe local language in order to communicate with the patients. Most of the MDprograms do offer the Georgian language courses within their study plan.

iv) Are Indian medical students allowed to touch the patients andpractice during the internship/clinical rotations? 

Ans: Students in Georgia, regardless of their nationality, are allowed to touchand physically examine the patients under the supervision of their instructorand by the consent of the patient;

 v) Does an Indian (MD) student get registered under any professionalregulatory body or otherwise under any institution that is competent togrant a license at par to the citizens of Georgia? 

Ans:. MD students, regardless of their nationality, do not get registered underany regulatory body, as they are not allowed to perform any independentmedical practice. Once they finish with the program, students usually take anational post-diploma qualification exam, which allows the graduates tocontinue with postgraduate studies/residency at the clinics/hospitals thatare accredited by the Ministry of Health to provide such residency programs(in specialized fields of medicine). The national post-diploma qualificationexam for MD graduates is administered by the Medical and PharmaceuticalRegulation Agency, operating under the guidance of the Ministry of Health.The test is in Georgian and there is no specific rule that prohibits Indianstudents to take it.

  vi) Does an Indian (MD) student allowed to get a license to practice inGeorgia as a medical practitioner? If yes, what is the process? 

 Ans.: That an Indian student completes the MD program, passes the PDQEsuccessfully, gets on the track of specialized residency program andaccomplishes the residency successfully, they are allowed to pursue a job inthe medical/clinical sphere locally and run independent practice with thelimits of law. 

Sourace Embassy of IndiaYerevan


***Yerevan15 September 2022

Some of the notable alumni of the university: -

Alumni Name

Short Description

Davit Gabaidze


Davit Gabaidze (born 10 August 1980) is a Georgian politician who was elected as the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Autonomous Republic of Adjara on November 28, 2016. Since 2015 he has been a regional expert of Assembly of European Regions and the member of the State Constitutional Commission since 2016.

Nika Rurua


Nikoloz Rurua (born 17 March 1968 – 4 December 2018) was a Georgian politician, and a member of the Cabinet of Georgia in the capacity of Minister of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, from 10 October 2008 until 25 October 2012. Rurua previously served as the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Defence and Security of the Parliament of Georgia.

Archil Khabadze


Archil Khabadze (born March 11, 1980) is a Georgian business executive and politician. He was the Head of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara from October 30, 2012 until his resignation in July 2016.


Total Academic Staff: - 2000


  • The university has ranked 5 in universities of Georgia by 4icu.
  • The university ranks 8297 in universities of the world by 4icu.

Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University - MCI RESULTS

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Registration Fee
Rs. 25000
Admission Fee
Rs. 0
Visa Fee
Rs. 74000
Travel Fee
Rs. 0

Total BMU Processing Fee : - Rs. 99000 + GST

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