University of Zagreb
The University of Zagreb was established in 1669 and it is one of the oldest and biggest universities in South-Eastern Europe. The University of Zagreb offers education and research and in all scientific fields (arts, biomedicine, biotechnology, engineering, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences) and a broad spectrum of courses at all study levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate as a comprehensive public Central European university. It consists of 29 Faculties, 3 Art Academies, and the University Centre for Croatian Studies and it is the flagship educational institution in the country, a place where more than 7900 teachers and 72480 students develop knowledge and acquire skills.
The University contributing over 50 percent to the annual research output in Croatia and 80 percent of the scientific productivity of all Croatian universities. The central strategic issue of the future development of the University is to be a research-oriented institution with the teaching of high quality. As per this, the focus is on master and doctoral programs by encompassing all fields of science and art and boosting trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary research as well as translational research, also nurturing the culture of innovation and transfer of knowledge which should result in better intersectoral harmonization on local and regional levels.
A new campus building “Borongaj” is in the process which is the biggest investment in Croatian education in the last 150 years, and when it is built means finished it will be used by more than 20 000 students. The campus of the university was officially opened on October 12th, 2007 and for now, it hosts 4 university units which include the Centre for Croatian Studies, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Traffic Engineering and Faculty of Economics and Business (only vocational study programs in economics and business). Moreover, five other faculties are also planning to relocate to the Campus in the next few years and besides the (re)construction of university buildings, the Campus will be home to a sports center, student residence hall, and a number of institutes.
The university develops international contacts with foreign universities based on mutually coordinated and signed agreements and supporting the following general forms of cooperation which includes student and faculty exchange, exchange of administrative and professional staff, joint organization of courses, study tours, conferences and seminars, participation in scientific conferences, symposia and seminars, joint research projects, including applications for governmental and foundation funding, exchange of experience and information on the syllabi, methodology of teaching and techniques applied to the didactic process, exchange of scientific publications, and other forms of university co-operation of mutual interest.
International agreements of the University of Zagreb
- University of Shkodra (2014., 2019., 5 years).
- Universidad Nacional de Rosario (2019., 5 years).
- Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut (2019., 5 years).
- Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (2019., 5 years).
- University San Pablo Tucuman of Argentina (2020., 5 years).
- Macquarie University, Sydney (1989., 2015., 5 years) | 1.1.) Memorandum of understanding Jointly supervised Ph.D. degree (Cotutelle) (2015., 5 years)
- Murdoch University, Perth (2014., 5 years)
- University of Western Australia (2006., 5 years, 2016., 5 years).
- Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (1981.)
- Universität Klagenfurt (1997.)
- Medizinische Universität Graz (2005.)
- Universität Wien (2013., 5 years, 2018.)
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (2013., 4 years, 2017., 4 years)
- Baki Slavyan Universiteti (2013., 5 years, automatic renewal for 5 years)
- Bakı Dövlət Universiteti (2013., 5 years, automatic renewal for 5 years)
- Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (2006.)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Univerzitet u Sarajevu (2004.)
- Univerzitet u Bihaću (2013.)
- Univerzitet u Zenici (2014., 5 years, automatic renewal for 5 years)
- Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci (2018., 5 years)
- University of Mostar (2009.),
- Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2009., 10 years)
- Universidade Federal do Paraná (2007., 2014., 5 years)
- Amazonas State University (2016., 5 years)
- Universidade Paulista, Sao Paolo (2019., 5 years)
- Sofijski universitet'Sv. Kliment Ohridski" (1995.)
- The University of National and World Economy, Sofija (2005.)
- The University of New Brunswick (Letter of intent 2008.)
- University of Toronto (2011., 5 years, 2017., 5 years)
- University of Saskatchewan (2010., 3 years, 2015., 5 years)
- University of York (2007.)
- University of Alberta (2018., 5 years)
- Universidad de Concepción (2013., 5 years)
- Universidad de Valparaiso (2013., 5 years, 2014., 5 years)
- Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (2003., 5 years, 2008., 5 years, 2015., 5 years)
- City University of Hong Kong, HKSAR (2013., 5 years)
- Beijing Sport University (2009.)
- Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (2010.) / Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (2013., 5 years)
- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2010., 5 years, FER, 2016.)
Czech Republic
- Univerzita Karlova v Praze (1992., 2004.)
- Vysoké učení tehnické v Brně (2004.)
- Aarhus Universitet (2006.)
- Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (2015., 5 years)
- Université Panthéon-Assas /Paris II/ (1999.)
- l'Université d'Orléans (2013., 5 years, 2018., 5 years)
- Technische Universität Dresden (1992.)
- Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (1975.)
- TU Bergakademie Freiberg (1991.)
- Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest (1973.)
- University of Pécs (2010., 5 godina, nakon isteka automatski se obnavlja na 5 godina)
- University of Pannonia (2008.)
- University of Delhi (2009.)
- Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi (2012., 7 years)
- University of Technology Yogyakarta (Pismo namjere 2013., Sporazum 2016.)
- Bogor Agricultural University (2017., 5 godina)
- Institut Teknologi Bandung (2017., 5 godina)
- University of Tehran (2013., 5 years)
- University of Isfahan (2018., 5 years)
- Università degli Studi di Udine (1988.)
- Università degli Studi di Firenze (1998., 2016., 5 years)
- L'Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (2010.)
- Tel Aviv University (2010.)
- Chuo University, Tokyo (2004.)
- University of Tokyo (2010., 2015. 5 years)
- Nagasaki University (2018., 5 years)
- University of Prishtina (2011., 2016., 5 years)
- University Haxhi Zeka (2016., 5 years)
- Riga Technical University (2014., 5 years)
- Universidad de Quintana Roo (2014., 4 years, automatic renewal for 4 years)
- Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro (2015.)
- Universidad de Guadalajara (2018., 5 years)
- University of Montenegro (2015., 5 years, automatic renewal for 5 years)
North Macedonia
- South East European University, Tetovo (2008.)
- Univerzitetot'Sv. Kliment Ohridski's; - Bitola (2010.)
- Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (2015, 5 years)
- Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (2013., 3 years+3, 2019., 3 years)
- Politechnika Krakovska im. Tadeusza Kościuszki (1977.)
- Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicah (2003.)
- Qatar University (2018., 5 years)
- Universidade de Lisboa (2009.,5 years, nakon isteka automatski se obnavlja, 2016., 5 years)
- Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2018., 5 years)
- Universitatea de Vest "Vasile Goldis " din Arad (2014., 5 years)
- University of Bucharest (2017., 5 years)
Russian Federation
- Saint-Petersburg State University (2005., 5 years, nakon isteka automatski se obnavlja), Protocol on Student Exchange (2014., vrijedi do 1.8.2017.), 2018., 5 years
- Moscow State University of Technology and Management (branch Rostov-on Don) (2006.)
- Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (2008.)
- Univerzitet u Novom Sadu (2011.)
- FTW Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien GmbH, University of Zagreb (FER), (2012.)
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, University of Zagreb (2007., 6 godina, 2014., 10 godina)
- Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Zagreb (2014.)