- Established 2011.
Located at Rajshahi, the educational city of Bangladesh 252 km north-west of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, Travel time from Dhaka by
- Air- 35 minutes
- Road- 4 hours 30 minutes
- Rail- 5 hours 30 minutes
- Total Campus is 3 acres (approx.) with Academic & Hospital floor space 1,70,000 sq.ft. (approx.).
Approval, Affiliation and Accreditation
- Ministry of Health & Family welfare, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (MOHFW)
- Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC)
- World Directory of Medical School, World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) & Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), formerly by World Health Organization.
Quality Assurance Scheme (QAS):
Barind Medical College intended to deliver a high quality medical education from its birth. All the components of Quality Assurance Scheme for medical colleges in Bangladesh have been working here since March 2014, Academic Council, Academic Coordination Committee, Phase Committees, Faculty Development Committee & Pair Medical College Visit etc. were functioning as per instruction of QAS. Different bodies like MOHFW & DGHS, BM & DC, Rajshahi university, Centre for Medical Education, Dhaka periodically visit the BMC for assuring the quality of education and consequently health care delivery.
BARIND MEDICAL COLLEGE strives to be the centre of academic excellence, providing medical education and training of the highest standard at graduation level and be a leader in care, research and innovation in the field of medical sciences and technology in Bangladesh and abroad.
- To create facilities which is conducive to achieve academic services and research excellence in medical sciences.
- To consolidate and improve training and development of quality human resources in the field of medical sciences especially
- To meet the requirements of the nation
- To provide exemplary services in medical care
- To acquire and provide technology transfer
- To be the reference centre for services and consultancy, health and manpower training
- To provide cost effective modern health care services at the deprived zone, Rajshahi to serve the humanity
- To create opportunity for the doctors and other professionals to work at the highest level of academic environment